Friday, September 23, 2011

The Lord is so good to me!!!

God really is good to me!!!  I hope that everyone I meet and talk to knows that!!!  He is so gracious, kind and loving to me. 

You know, many years ago when someone tried to tell me that they could see God’s calling on my life, more specifically, the call to preach, I thought they were a little bit off base, to say the least. 

But I didn’t dare say anything like that since it was my Pastor’s wife that was telling me this.  She would laugh if she could hear me saying this!    

I had no idea what God had in store for me.  I didn’t know that He was calling me to preach the gospel and I had no idea that I could have an impact on other peoples’ lives.

I had no idea that today, I would be sitting here writing a post for my blog. 

I had no idea that I could be so happy serving the Lord!!!  I had no idea that my Father God could love anyone so much, especially me, considering all that I have done in this old world.

I never knew how content and happy I could be!!!  Just to know God and His Mercy.  To know His Never Ending Love for me!!! 

I wish today, that I could really make every person, alive, understand how much God loves them. 

The truth is that most people, although they don’t say it and would never admit it, TRULY DO NOT FEEL LOVED!!!  

but most people never give God the opportunity to show them and teach them that HE LOVES THEM!!! 

If you truly felt loved, then you would value yourself more and you would take care of yourself.  You would want to know the Lord and you would want to serve Him!!! 

Some folks say, “Well, if God loves me then why have bad things happened to me???”  That’s really quite simple!  You may NOT like this answer, but it is the truth!!!

Bad things happen every day to every one and it is because the devil is in this world.  The devil takes everything that God has for us, ALL the good things that God has planned and he twists them every way he can. 

He would actually have destroyed you, if he could have, and you would be in Hell, because he would have destroyed you before you could find out about God!!! 

But God loves you and me so much that he didn’t allow the devil to kill us before we could come to know HIM!!!    

Do you know how I know that???  I know that because I was born with my umbilical cord wrapped around my neck and unlike so many babies that this happens to; I was NOT born retarded nor have I had any problems because of it. 

So, now that you know how blessed you are, it is time to kick that old devil in the teeth by showing him that YOU are ALL that he feared you to be!!!  You know like “Uncle Sam” says, “BE ALL YOU CAN BE!!!” 

You see, the devil attacks us from the time we are tiny babies and he keeps on trying to destroy us throughout our lives each and every day.  He is constantly telling us lies about ourselves and about God.  He will even lie to us about others to make us paranoid.      

All because he doesn’t want to go to HELL alone!!!  He wants to take us with him!!!  The devil wants everyone to be as miserable as he is!!!   

He wanted to take Jesus’ place in Heaven with the Father and be exalted with God.  So, God had no choice, but to kick him out of Heaven.  The devil had already corrupted a third of the angels, so they had to leave with him. 

There was no place else for the devil to go, so he came to the earth and continued trying to mess up everything God had planned.  He got into that old snake and then he used the snake to mess with Adam and Eve. 

Do you know that the snake has to crawl on its belly and be despised of all men because God cursed him for allowing the devil to use him? 

Adam had authority over the devil, but instead of telling the devil to shut up, and quit talking to his wife, he chose to eat that fruit and he allowed sin to come into the world.  He allowed the devil to steal his authority.  Gen. 3 

When Jesus came and died on the cross for us, he took back the authority that Adam had given up and now we have authority over satan and every living thing through the Name of Jesus. 

And that brings us to today!!!  We can tell the devil to shut up and give him what for (the WORD) or we can keep listening to him.

We have the opportunity today to choose how we are going to live our lives!!!

I am fixing to make some folks mad, but that is just too bad because I am telling the truth!  So, if this makes you mad, you will have to talk to God about it! 

You only have 2 choices about how you are going to live your life.  

You can choose to serve the Lord God Almighty or you can choose to serve the devil.  There are only 2 ways:  God’s way and the devil’s way.  God’s way leads us to Heaven and of course, the devil leads those who follow him to Hell.     

There aren’t 15 choices.  There aren’t even 3.  You either choose God or you choose the devil.  You are either going to Heaven or Hell.  

There is an old lie that has been told for years, even ages.  That lie came from the pits of HELL and that is exactly what it is!!!  It is a lie!!! 

What am I talking about?

I am talking about the lie that you can live your life, your way.

They even wrote a song about it,
I Did It My Way.  Both Frank Sinatra and Elvis sang this song.  There is one verse in this song that is truly sad.  For what is a man, what has he got? If not himself, then he has naught.” 


I'd rather “Do It God’s Way” and have Eternal Life.  I would rather be pleasing in God’s Eyes than do things my way and mess my life up!!!


Believe me, I have tried it to live it my way!!  It’s really not my way or your way.  It is really the devil’s way!!!  I have messed up my own life over and over.  I wasn’t always a preacher and I enjoyed partying when I was out in the world.  I have made a lot of mistakes in my life. 

But one day, I met Jesus and I made the best decision of my life.  I decided to follow HIM!!! 

You know, I still make mistakes and sometimes I am stubborn and hard headed.  There are times when I know that I have missed God and really blown it. 

As a matter of fact, I was feeling really blue this morning over something I had done, but God encouraged me to shake the blues off and get on with my life. 

I am just going be truthful, if you have repented for what you have done, then there is NO NEED to sit around feeling bad or guilty!!!  Just get on with your life.  Kick the devil in the teeth by allowing God to use you for something good!!! 

Once you repent, God forgets whatever it was you did,
and you need to do the same.  You need to forget it and go on.  I am trying to learn to quit sitting around feeling sorry for myself and letting the devil beat me over the head with the things that I do wrong.    

And I will tell you another thing.  Don’t go around telling people all your faults.  It is one thing to share your faults with a good friend, and ask them to pray with you, but most people will only use what you tell them against you. 

I know that the Word says, Confess your faults one to another (James 5:16).  However, God also warns us that He is sending us out as sheep in the midst of wolves and that we are to be as wise as a serpent and as harmless as a dove.  Matt. 10:16  

There are a lot of folks out there who would like to tell you that they are perfect and that they NEVER do anything wrong.  Well, I have only one thing to say to that, “Liar, liar, pants on fire!!  God’s gonna get you for lying!!!”

No one can live life without making mistakes along the way.  God wants us to repent quickly, pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off.  Then we need to walk on.   

And even better yet, if you see your friend falling, run and catch them!!  And if you see that they have fallen, help them up and dust them off.  And walk on with them side-by-side!!!  Don’t step on them!!!   Or ignore them and walk on!!!

God is so gracious to me.  When I woke up this morning, it was really early and so I asked the Lord if He would mind if I slept one more hour.  Evidently, He did not mind because I went right back to sleep and woke up an hour later.  It was still early, but I got up (only with His help.) 

You see, even though I already know all this, I was still feeling a bit down this morning.  So, as I sat down, I asked the Lord what I should read today and when I opened my Bible, it opened to Nehemiah 9.  I began to read and I thought, God you are so amazing!!!  Here is what I read. 

In Nehemiah 9:18-25, I read how even when the children of Israel had made a golden calf and worshipped it as their god, God had forgiven them. 

And I read how God did not leave the children of Israel in the wilderness, but He lead them with a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. 

And as I continued to read, I realized that God was telling me that just as He had forgiven the children of Israel so many times, He had also forgiven me for making the same mistakes over and over again. 

I realized that He was saying that He loved me and that every time I cry out to Him for mercy and forgiveness, He hears me and He forgives me. 

And every time things got bad and the children of Israel cried out to God, He rescued them!!!  

And I am here today to tell you that GOD will forgive you, too!!! 


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