Friday, May 25, 2012

How much are we supposed to LOVE God???

We are supposed to LOVE God so much that nothing distracts us from him!!!  We are supposed to LOVE HIM above ALL others and above anything else!!!

Mark 12:29-34 (CEV)

Jesus answered, “The most important one says: ‘People of Israel, you have only one Lord and God.

30 You must love him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.’

31 The second most important commandment says: ‘Love others as much as you love yourself.’ No other commandment is more important than these.” 

If we could be as wise as this man who spoke with Jesus about what HE taught!!!! 

The man replied, “Teacher, you are certainly right to say there is only one God.

33 It is also true that we must love God with all our heart, mind, and strength, and that we must love others as much as we love ourselves. These commandments are more important than all the sacrifices and offerings that we could possibly make.”

34 When Jesus saw that the man had given a sensible answer, he told him, “You are not far from God’s kingdom.” After this, no one dared ask Jesus any more questions.

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