Saturday, July 23, 2016

What Does It Mean To Be Yoked?

GOD showed me some things about what it means to be yoked together with someone, so I know that HE will help me explain it!!!                                                                   

I want you to think about this!!!  To be yoked to someone or something means to be tied or harnessed or bound to that person!!! 

Yoke - A wooden crosspiece that is fastened over the necks of two animals and attached to the plow or cart that they are to pull. 

Harness - A piece of equipment, including straps for fastening it, used to control an animal such as a horse or attach it to a load to be pulled.

In our day and age, we find the following definition of a harness used most often.  A harness is a set of straps that are put on a horse so it can be hitched to a wagon or a carriage. 

When folks went everywhere on horse back, in a buggy, wagon or by stagecoach, their teams (sometimes horses, sometimes mules, and sometimes oxen or cows) were harnessed together.  You know, like when you watch old westerns and see the horses that are pulling the stage coaches.  Those leather reins and lines are harnesses that distribute the weight of the stagecoach and keep the teams of horses pulling together.   

Back then farmers used oxen, horses, and mules to plow their fields.  In some of the old shows, you will see a wooden yoke fastened across the top of the shoulders of 2 oxen.

That’s where we get the term,
“To Be Yoked Together”, as well as the term “To Be Unequally Yoked.” 

You never hear of animals being equally yoked because that is included in the concept of yoking a team of animals together!!!  A wise farmer would never even consider yoking 2 animals together that weren’t equal in strength and ability!!! 

When you take 2 animals and yoke them together, they both need to be very strong, so that they can pull together with equal force.  If one is weak or hurt or sick, that makes it harder for them to work together!!!  It means that one of them will have to work harder than the other one, even though they are yoked together!!!  As a matter of fact, it would be much easier to take the yoke off of the weaker animal and just allow the stronger animal to pull the load!!!

Strength and compatibility are NOT based on the color of the animal, or on how it looks.  With the exception of how tall or big an animal is, its appearance has nothing to do with how strong it is or whether it will work well with another animal. 

The only reason that an animal’s height or size matters is because you can’t easily yoke or harness a smaller animal to a larger animal!!!  Doing that would cause a problem because the animals would be mismatched in strength, and ability!!!  As a matter of fact, if you look at the horses that are pulling a stage coach, you will see that in many cases, they are different colors, but they are very closely matched in size. 

And if you look closely at the horses’ harnesses, you will see that each horse has a blinder or blinker next to each eye.  This blinder keeps the horse from seeing all around them and getting scared or distracted.  It keeps them focused on what’s ahead of them and the work that they are doing. 

GOD showed me that when you are married, you need to be married to someone who can and will help you carry or pull your load!!!  They need to be willing to help you fulfill or complete whatever assignment GOD has given you.  That’s where compatibility comes in.   

It doesn’t matter what that other person looks like and because GOD doesn’t use a physical harness, or yoke, it doesn’t even matter how tall or big a person is!!!  What matters is that GOD knows what you need in a partner and if you allow HIM to do the choosing, you’ll be equally yoked with that person!!!  

The person that GOD chooses for you will be the best partner you could ever have imagined!!! 

Mark 10:7-9 (NKJV)

7 “‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife,

and the two shall become one flesh’; so then they are no longer two, but one flesh.

Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.”

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