Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Shake Your Problems Off!!!

GOD gave me this message several years ago!!!  And HE reminded me of it tonight!!! 

GOD tells us NOT to be anxious for anything or any reason!!!  And HE tells us NOT to worry about anything!!!!

Philippians 4:6-7 (NKJV)

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 

and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

We have to know that GOD will work everything out for us!!!  If we give our problems to GOD and allow HIM to fix them, HE WILL!!! 

ou count on it!!!

Romans 8:28 (NKJV) And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.


I don’t know about you, but I just don’t have time to worry about a lot of problems and mess!!!  If you let it, that stuff will eat you up!!!  It will stress you out and make you sick, if you let it!!!

If Jesus can’t fix it, then it doesn’t need fixing!!!  So, I am going to do what HE has told me and give my problems to HIM!!!!

Recently, something happened to some friends of mine and it was very upsetting to me.  It truly bothered me!!!  So, I was talking to my prayer partner about it.  Finally, she told me that I just needed to throw my hands up in the air and say,
GOD, I give this situation and these people to you!!   

I knew that she was right, so I did exactly what she said and I decided NOT to worry about it any more!!!  The moment I gave IT to GOD, HIS PEACE WASHED ALL OVER ME!!! 

It happened immediately!!!  All the stress and all the heartache left.  And I know that Jesus has taken care of every detail!!!

GOD told me many years ago, that we as HIS KIDS need to learn to be like the duck. 

The duck swims along in peace and quiet.  Then he dips himself under the water and when he comes up all that water on his back runs right off!!!

You see, GOD has given the duck
a special oil coating on his feathers called preening oil.  This oil causes the water to run right off his back.

Because of this oil, the duck doesn’t even actually get wet!!  That why you hear folks say, like the water off a duck’s back!!! 

And just like the water slides right off that the duck’s back, we have to learn to let our problems slide right off us. 

We need to learn to be like that duck.  We need to shake our problems off, just like he shakes the water off his back!!!

Just like GOD has given the duck a special covering for his wings, HE has given us the HOLY SPIRIT!!!

Just like that special covering on his wings takes care of the water, THE HOLY GHOST IS OUR SPECIAL COVERING!!!  And HE TAKES CARE OF US!!! 

So, remember the next time the enemy attacks you, just say, HERE IT IS GOD, IT’S YOURS!!!  I REFUSE TO WORRY ABOUT IT ANY MORE!!!


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